Propel your snowmobile forward with this Driven Clutch Assembly, which transfers power from the engine to the shafts for easy handling and a smoother ride. The drive clutch has a 36-degree helix and can support weighs between 202 and 284-lbs in total with all hardware.
Arctic Cat Adapt variator som sitter på 2022-. Kan även användas till modeller från 2016-21 med team variator (vissa modeller behöver kompletteras med justerskruv för remspänning) OBS! Helix och fjäder säljes separat! Skruvarna till Helix följer med!
Propel your snowmobile forward with this Driven Clutch, which transfers power from the engine to the shafts for easy handling and a smoother ride. The drive clutch has a degree measurement of 44/40, and its blue spring supports weight between 202 and 284-lbs.
Propel your snowmobile forward with the Driven Clutch, which transfers power from the engine to the shafts for easy handling and a smoother ride. This secondary clutch has a measurement of 48S, and it can support weights between 155 and 220-lbs.
Yttre variatorskiva Arctic Cat 2016-17 Team BOSS-273, Fasta skivan till sekundärvariatorer som passar AC ZR, XF & M modeller 2016-17. Denna skiva har justerskruven för remspänningen.
42/40 helix and blue spring that supports 202-284-lbs. Sekundärvariator till Arctic Cat 2012-15. Kan beställas Team variator som alternativ: 801-520907